God The Sevenfold.

Session nr.16 of 4 April 2012 - recorded- English translation - Original French.

Place: Mezza Verde in Placencia, Belize.

Present: Cyril and Wivine.

Received by Wivine.


Visitor: KUWAYA Master Spirit N°2 – of Superunivers n° 2  - The Voice of The Eternal Son.


Kuwaya spoke after 1h30min.                  Total time meditation: 1h50min.


KUWAYA: Hello my children, this is Kuwaya here, the Voice of the Eternal Son, Mother of Christ Michael. I have seen that some of you have read the recommendations Immanuel, my first Creator Son, gave to his brother Christ Michael before he started his seventh bestowal on Urantia as Jesus of Nazareth.


Not all Creator Sons in charge of a local universe made the same choices as your father and brother, Christ Michael.


My Son wanted to personalize and externalize the seven possibilities of individual and combined Will of the Trinity through his seven bestowals. During his last bestowal as a human on Urantia, he represented the Will of his Father, the Universal Father.

This bestowal as Jesus resonated throughout his entire local universe Nebadon just as did the other bestowals done for this purpose.


He had still two other important things to do:

-      One was the termination of the three rebellions, including the latest and greatest better known to you that broke out in your planetary System of Satania of which Lucifer was the sovereign and in which your planet Urantia No. 606 is located. A planetary system may include roughly 1,000 planets bearing life as yours.

-      It was to make actions and experiences as we ask you to do to help the Supreme Being to grow and to unify his will with the Will of the Universal Father.


The Supreme Being may thus evolve and become The Almighty Supreme to eventually transform into God the Supreme.


Christ Michael and Nebadonia as well as all Celestial Beings and souls living in your local universe will later be part in a more transcendent and advanced way of God the Supreme. For now the Supreme Being, Mother of all Universes, is a very young Deity who still needs to evolve with all your experiences and it is God the Sevenfold who administrates Her Universes.


The Trinity plays the role of Thought Adjuster to the Supreme Being because to create a soul and make her evolve, even at the level of Deity, a Thought Adjuster is needed; which means that on one hand She grows with all your experiences and on the other hand Her thoughts are adjusted by the Trinity.


God the Sevenfold is composed of:

The Trinity with :

-          The Universal Father

-          The Eternal Son

-          The Infinite Spirit.

The Soul of The Supreme Being.

The Michael-Creator Sons with their Conjoint – The Mother Spirits.

The Ancient of Days of the Superuniverses.

The Seven Master Spirits.


All these Higher Spiritual Beings and Paradise Beings administer for now all the Grand Universe for the Supreme Being because She is not yet able or sufficiently developed to take that task in hand.


When She will become Almighty in many long years She will receive all powers to administer alone the Master Universe. Her power will than extend above the Outer Space worlds that are in formation around the Grand universe.


The Personalities who administer at the moment the Universes will then transcend their current functions:

-          The Trinity will stay The Trinity

-          The Soul of The Supreme Being will have evolved in God The Supreme.

-          The Creator Sons, the Master Spirits and the Ancients of Days will have transcended their functions and will have another job to do in and for God the Supreme.

It is then that you will follow your Christ in the Constellations in expansion of the Outer Space worlds.


It is important to understand The Trinity and also your participation in the evolution of the Supreme Being as a child from Urantia, as member of this local universe Nebadon having as Father, Christ Michael; as well as the role you will play later in the transcendence of the Supreme Being in God the Supreme.


The Supreme Being is made up of many cells and each planet is a cell of this Deity in evolution. Each planet has a planetary Supreme. Your experiences will first let grow the embryonic soul of your planetary Supreme Urantia (Gaia), which then will transmit her experiences to the Supreme Being to which she belongs.


Christ Michael, who managed to express during his seven bestowals the 'seven possible interactions' of the Will of The Trinity which are mastered by the Supreme Being, thus became the Supreme Master Sovereign of his local universe receiving all supreme administration powers to lead Nebadon according to the specifics of future governance in the era of the universes of God the Supreme.


{The seven possible interactions are:

-the combined will of the Father, The Son and The Infinite Spirit;

-the combined will The Father and The Son;

-The combined will of The Father and The Infinite Spirit;

-the combined will of The Son and The Infinite Spirit;

-the will of the Infinite Spirit;

-the will of The Eternal Son;

-the will of The Universal Father during his bestowal on Urantia.}


When he left your world by dying on The Cross, he crossed the Seven Mansion Worlds, just as you will do. He crossed all Morontia Worlds, just as you will do. He crossed the Spiritual Worlds until Uversa just as you will do and continued his journey in Havona until Paradise, just like you will do, where he received the scepters of Supreme Sovereignty over his local universe from The Universal Father. Since that time nobody in Nebadon can organize a rebellion anymore which is sometimes unavoidable in the evolution of a young local universe. In general rebellions arise when the Creator Sons are doing their seven bestowals, before they receive all powers over their local universe.


I tell you this story because we are Easter. This is for you the feast of the end of the earthly life of My Son; this dramatic end which has shocked and stirred the entire local universe Nebadon, the Superunivers Orvonton and even higher up. Such a thing never occurred nowhere in any universe.


Nevertheless, My Son has managed to overcome his most difficult moments and forgave his ignorant children.

His life and his teachings were intended to be a source of spiritual inspiration for all religions and all people of Urantia; for all people living in his local universe Nebadon as well as for all Celestial Beings he created.


Goodbye, my children. I wish you a good weekend and a good Easter.





For the words in blue see The Urantia Book.
